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Service request processing times extend

24 May 2022

The expected response time for service requests lodged with Buller District Council has increased from three to seven working days from this week onwards.

Acting group manager community services Krissy Trigg says: “We increased the timeframe to set a realistic expectation on when residents can anticipate an update on the status of their service request.”

Previously residents were advised that council staff would be in touch within three working days with a status update.

Ms Trigg says: “We were previously able to respond within three working days, but recent floods and COVID-19, have caused major interruptions, making this time frame an unachievable target.

Our planning and building staff have already adjusted their time frames to 10 – 15 working days so extending the response time to seven working days for service requests matches this.”

Service requests are how residents can alert council to things that need its attention such as leaking pipes, roaming dogs, illegally dumped rubbish, and damage to public facilities.

Residents can lodge these online through council’s website, send an email or ring council’s offices in Westport or Reefton.

Urgent requests such as excessive noise or flooding raised through council’s 0800 number are not included in this system. Council staff will address these urgent issues as soon as possible.

To clear the back log council’s staff will review the open service requests, starting with the oldest and assess how quickly each request can be answered. Residents with old outstanding service requests will receive an email to acknowledge their matter.

Ms Trigg says: “We sincerely apologise to residents with outstanding service request responses and aim to resolve this issue in a timely manner.”


For more information please contact:
Acting group manager community services
Krissy Trigg