Chief Executive Officer Annual Remuneration and Performance Review 2022
Council resolved to appoint Mr Keith Marshall, to conduct the annual remuneration and performance review of Buller District Council’s chief executive officer Sharon Mason at its ordinary council meeting held 27 April 2022.
Mr Marshall is an independent consultant who has completed Sharon’s reviews previously.
Mayor Jamie Cleine said: “We are pleased to have Mr Marshall assisting elected members through the employment relations component of Sharon’s annual review again.”
Appointing Mr Marshall will ensure continuity with past processes, familiarity with Buller District Council, including Sharon’s previous recruitment and employment process, and the continuation of those structures.
Sharon’s performance will be reviewed against the key performance indicators and 360 feedback from elected members and senior staff members.
Mayor Jamie Cleine said: “This is a process elected members are not specialists in. By engaging Mr Marshall and his expertise this enables a fair process for Sharon and elected members.”
For more information please contact:
Mayor Jamie Cleine