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2022-2023 Draft Annual Plan consultation open

06 May 2022

Buller District Council’s 2022 – 2023 Draft Annual Plan public consultation is in full swing being residents’ chance to have their say until the 17 May.

Mayor Jamie Cleine says: “It is very important that the community provides their feedback to what will be council’s course for the coming year. We had a rough past 12-months, and we had to rethink how we adjust our budget to address key issues with our aging water infrastructure but keep rates affordable.”

Until 4:30pm on Tuesday 17 May, anyone can provide feedback to council on its 2022-2023 Draft Annual Plan by way of making a written submission.

“The 2022-2023 Draft Annual Plan displays how we reprioritised projects to invest where we have to, cut down where we can, and delay what is not high on the priority list.”

The key topics council is consulting on are the Westport wastewater pump station, the Westport water supply trunkmain connection, the Reefton water supply chlorination, a deferral of community facility projects, the Waimangaroa drinking water upgrade, the Karamea Area School and campground water supply, and decrease in Community Grants.

Mayor Cleine says: “The community has the chance to be part of a workable solution how we address key water infrastructure issues within an acceptable rates increase.”

Information about the 2022-2023 draft Annual Plan consultation has been published district wide through council’s website, Facebook, radio, posters, print adverts in local newsletters, and council’s newsletter Connect.

“With many local specific issues, it is very important that residents from the affected communities considers the options that are presented in the plan and make a submission.”

The consultation document and submission forms are available on council’s website and at its offices and libraries in Westport and Reefton, i-SITES, the Ngakawau Resource Centre, and the information centre in Karamea.

The Annual Plan explains how Council intends to deliver on its promises made in the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan and contribute to the community’s well-being, proposes a financial strategy to make this happen, and outlines how progress is monitored for 2022- 2023.

To provide feedback visit the council’s website, send an enquiry email, or phone council offices.


For more information please contact
Mayor Jamie Cleine